Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Basics Series: Poached Eggs

Since I started this blog I've had a lot of good reception from friends and family, which is so great to me. BUT, the more I talk to my culinarily-challenged friends, the more I realize how few people of my generation are taught the basics in the kitchen. So instead of posting only my creations, I figured I might as well also post my "basics" recipes too.

This morning I had poached eggs for breakfast, so for those of you who'd like the yumminess of poached eggs, but don't want to sift through the overly complicated recipes on the internet, here you go!

Poached Eggs: (this is for one person)

2 large eggs
2 pieces of your favorite bread

1) Begin by filling a skillet about half-way with water, bring to a slow boil.
2) In the meantime, toast your bread. Spread it lightly with butter as soon as it comes out and is still piping hot.
3) When water is boiling, crack eggs into a bowl and carefully pour them into the water, letting them slide out gently into the water. (Feel free to crack them right into the water, but I've talked to people worried about dropping part of the shell in, or splashing the water on themselves. Fear not, this is the pain-free way!)
4) Turn the heat down to a slow simmer. The higher the heat, the more it will break up your eggs. Cooking them slowly and they come out perfectly round and pretty. After about 2-3 minutes of cooking (don't let the yolk harden), remove them with a slotted spoon. You know they are done when the white are white and no longer clear.
5) Place each egg on top of a butter slice of bread and sprinkle very lightly with salt. Smash them and enjoy!

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